Friday 31st January through Thursday 6th February

Dog Man*

PG, 1 hour 29 minutes

7pm main screen: Friday through Monday and Wednesday.

7pm second screen: Tuesday and Thursday.

9.15pm second screen: Friday through Sunday.

matiné del sabado – doblaje al Español: 4pm main screen

Sunday matinees: 2pm main screen & 4.15pm second screen.

Movie poster for Dog Man with the added text: matiné del sabado - doblaje al Español.

Saturday 1st and 8th February at 4pm

matiné del sabado – doblaje al Español

A Den of Thieves 2: Pantera

R, 2 hours 24 minutes

7pm main screen: Tuesday and Thursday.

7pm second screen: Friday through Monday and Wednesday.

9pm main screen: Friday through Sunday.

Sunday matinees: 2pm second screen & 4pm main screen.

*Con la aplicación TheaterEars podrás escuchar tus películas favoritas en el cine en español, perfectamente sincronizadas con la pantalla grande. Descargue la aplicación gratis hoy en App Store o Google Play.

Morris Theatre Presents: 2025 Magic Monthly Movies, free showings 2nd Satu.rday of every month at 2pm