Friday 7th through Thursday 13th February

Everything Everywhere All at Once

R, 2 hours 19 minutes

7pm second screen: Everyday.

9pm main screen: Friday through Sunday.

Sunday matinee: 2pm second screen.

Dog Man*

PG, 1 hour 29 minutes

7pm main screen: Everyday.

9.45pm second screen: Friday through Sunday.

Matiné del sábado – doblaje al español. Spanish language dub on Saturday 8th February at 4pm on the main screen.

Sunday matinee: 2pm main screen.

*Con la aplicación TheaterEars podrás escuchar tus películas favoritas en el cine en español, perfectamente sincronizadas con la pantalla grande. Descargue la aplicación gratis hoy en App Store o Google Play.

This image is an ad for the next Magic Monthly Movie. The details will be included below.

Cry Baby, 1990, PG-13, 1 hour 25minutes

FREE screening Saturday 8th February at 2pm, main screen

Captain America: Brave New World

PG-13, 1 hour 58 minutes

Midnight Opening for Captain America: 
Brave New World, Thursday 13th February 11.59pm